Come Over to the Bright Side

by David E. Shellenberger on March 17, 2015

Wake up. Sleepwalk no longer.

Come over to the bright side. Seek a world with liberty, a world without rulers.

It takes courage to acknowledge truth. It takes strength to reject conformity. And it takes toughness to decline surrender.

But we live fully when our eyes are open. We live honestly when we are true to ourselves. And we live with dignity when we resist evil.

Living the truth requires sacrifice. Sacrifice comes with compassion, and compassion calls for liberty.


The state is a criminal organization. Its origin is criminal and its nature is criminal.

It is not radical to seek the end of the state. It is radical to endorse its existence. To oppose the state is simply to oppose crime.

Advocating liberty means rejecting the legitimacy of rulers. It means  standing for the rights of individuals.


Liberty is its own virtue. It needs no justification.

But freedom will allow us to flourish. The state promotes dependency, poverty, and strife. Freedom fosters independence, prosperity, and peace.

We need not know just how the world will look when it is free. We can offer ideas, but a world defined is not a world that is free.

Just as we cannot know all the loss that we suffer from suffocation by the state, we cannot know all the good that will come when we are free.

Have faith that a free world will be a better world.


With eyes open, we see the truth. We share a vision of a free world, a better world.

Come over to the bright side. Sleepwalk no longer, and awaken those who still sleep.

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