Divine Selection and Intervention?

by David E. Shellenberger on July 16, 2024

We have long read reports of the claim that God selected Donald Trump to be president. It would be an odd God, however, who would choose a man who echoes Hitler, incites violence, engages in fraud, persecutes immigrants, and encourages the dictator responsible for the mass murder of Ukrainians.

Now, we read reports of a claim that divine intervention saved his life. It also would be an odd God who would, at the same time, let one spectator die and two others be critically wounded — and fail to save all the innocents around the world killed daily through violence.

But the supporters of Trump are gullible, and they share his vision of cruelty. Some supporters call themselves “Christian nationalists,” but their beliefs are nationalist, not Christian, and nationalism, as Robert Higgs has observed, is “the bane of the modern age.”

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