Leadership Week in Review: April 14-20, 2024

by David E. Shellenberger on April 22, 2024

Each week, I collect the resources related to leadership, personal growth, and professional development I shared on social media the prior week, with the accompanying quotations.

Marcel Schwantes:

A Leadership Strategy That Will Keep Employees from Quitting

“Before a recognition strategy is laid out and delivered, there’s an important human prerequisite, especially for managers, that I can’t stress enough:

You have to let your employees know that you truly care about them as people and that you value their work and their successes.”

Kendall Cotton Bronk:

How Patience Can Help You Find Your Purpose” (4-12-24).

“Given that the search for purpose is likely to represent a long-term, possibly even a lifelong, activity, it is worthwhile to understand how we can engage in the self-exploration process in the most productive and rewarding way possible. Emerging findings from our study suggest patience may help optimize the search process in at least five ways.”

Harvard Business School Professor Joseph L. Badaracco, in an excerpt from his recently published book Your True Moral Compass: Defining Reality, Responsibility, and Practicality in Your Leadership Moments:

Struggling With a Big Management Decision? Start by Asking What Really Matters” (4-15-24).

“Your personal moral wisdom doesn’t resemble a simple compass that reliably points to magnetic north. It doesn’t show you what is right. Its crucial role is helping you decide what is right.”

Julie Winkle Giulioni:

Leadership lessons from the solar eclipse” (4-11-24).

“When you strategically put something — a value or behavior — over or in front of another, you effectively eclipse it. If you want to create this kind of disproportionate effect on your team and your organization, consider these six leadership eclipses.
Empathy over efficiency. How frequently does the pursuit of productivity obscure the human element of leadership?”

Ken Blanchard:

Helping People Work Through Disillusionment” (4-17-24).

“What the Disillusioned Learner really needs is a coaching style, delivered through coaching conversations that blend direction and support.”

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