Leadership Week in Review: Aug. 25-31, 2024

by David E. Shellenberger on September 2, 2024

Each week, I collect the resources related to leadership, personal growth, and professional development I shared on social media the prior week, with the accompanying quotations.

Learn more about Abraham Maslow, a father of positive psychology who coined the term in 1954:

Abraham Maslow’s psychology of human needs:
A humanist who showed us a path to a life well lived.” (2-28-21).
BBC — The Forum

“Many students of psychology, business, nursing and other disciplines are taught about ‘Maslow’s pyramid of human needs,’ a diagram that shows a progression from our basic needs, such as food and shelter, to higher, social needs and, eventually, to striving for often intangible life goals and fulfilment. The pyramid is an iconic image, yet Abraham Maslow, a leading humanistic psychologist of the 20th century, didn’t actually create it. Moreover, his writings are much more sophisticated and perceptive than the diagram suggests.”

Bill George, author of True North: Discover Your Authentic Leadership:

Leading with authenticity: A conversation with Bill George

“We need to develop moral leaders who are authentic, compassionate, and driven by a sense of purpose. I have been critical of some business schools for training too many managers and not enough leaders and not talking about the values that matter.”

Frank Sonnenberg:

Do You Have the Discipline to Do What’s Right?” (8-27-24).

“Discipline means you have the determination, inner strength, and fortitude to do what’s right — even if it’s difficult. That may require you to speak up when others are silent, search for the truth when others jump to conclusions, question the status quo when things are set in stone, hold firm when others cave in, find common ground when others won’t compromise, or sacrifice something today so that you can benefit tomorrow.”

Marcel Schwantes:

5 Reasons Why People Leave Managers, Not Jobs

“It always comes back to hiring and promoting managers with the right people-—or human leadership—skills.”

Randy Conley:

5 Strategies for Building High Trust, High Performing Teams

“I’m a proponent of using the ABCD framework as the ‘language’ of trust. ABCD is an acronym that describes trustworthy team members. A team member can be trusted if he is Able (demonstrates competence), Believable (acts with integrity), Connected (cares about others), and Dependable (honors commitments).”

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