Leadership Week in Review: Aug. 6—12, 2023

by David E. Shellenberger on August 13, 2023

Each week I collect the resources related to leadership I shared on social media the prior week, with the accompanying quotations.

Finding Our Why:
Korn Ferry CEO Gary Burnison highlights how great leaders will help their charges find something that inspires.” (Week of August 7, 2023).

“People tend to do more when they are intrinsically motivated—by their excitement, personal satisfaction, and sense of accomplishment. Fortunately, there are levers that leaders can pull to support people’s intrinsic motivation. Simply put, create an environment of learning, growing, and developing—then get out of the way.”

Bailey Nelson, Gallup:
Great Leaders Have These Leadership Skills in Common” (12-9-21, updated 5-10-23).

“The best way to improve is to focus on what you’re already good at.

When you emphasize your natural patterns of excellence, you can understand why you lead the way you do and how you lead best. Self-awareness enables focused, outcome-oriented development as you lean into your natural abilities and use them to grow in areas where you struggle.”

Adam Dewitz and Richard Romano, WhatTheyThink:
The Magic Bus: Canon’s Francis McMahon on Leadership:
We caught up with Francis McMahon, executive vice president at Canon Solutions America, Production Print Solutions, who spoke about his leadership style, how he came to adopt that style, what being a ‘corporate hippie’ means, and how he is helping the next generation of company—and industry—leaders.” (8-7-23).

“‘We have to recognize that we have a broader calling every day, and that is to provide a level of inspiration to all the people around us to show them that they can be better. …. It’s about how I’m going to walk through the halls here and let people know what’s possible, that we can get there, and get them excited.'”

Ken Blanchard:
Great Leadership Starts with Self-Awareness” (8-9-23).

“The best leaders have a high degree of self-awareness. These leaders understand themselves and their needs, strengths, weaknesses, and temperament. …. They know how their behavior affects people around them and how to model trusting servant leadership for their team.”

John Spence:
Why 70% of Employees Are Disengaged and What You Can Do About It” (8-7-23).

“When an employee pours their heart into their work, they’re not just seeking a paycheck. They’re looking for validation, for a sign that their efforts matter. This is where genuine praise steps in. It tells them, ‘I see you. I value you. You’re making a difference here.'”

Phil Gallagher, CEO of Avnet, interviewed by Adam Bryant:
“‘You Always Have To Be Focusing On Areas Where You Can Add Value'” (8-9-23).

“I got this tip from an 85-year-old executive who was the father of a friend of my son. I asked him, ‘What would be one tip you’d give my son?’ He said, ‘Be kind.’ The higher up we go, the more we need to remember that. Be kind.”


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