Leadership Week in Review: Dec. 11–17, 2022

by David E. Shellenberger on December 19, 2022

Each week I collect the resources related to leadership I shared on social media the prior week, with the accompanying quotations.

Stanford social psychologist Xuan Zhao, interviewed in “Asking for help is hard, but people want to help more than we realize, Stanford scholar says:
We underestimate just how willing people want to assist others and how positive they feel about doing so.” (9-8-22). Melissa De Witte.

“When people are in need of help, they are often caught up in their own concerns and worries and do not fully recognize the prosocial motivations of those around them who are ready to help.”

Bob DeKoch, co-author with Phillip G. Clampitt of Leading with Care in a Tough World: Beyond Servant Leadership: interviewed by Rodger Dean Duncan in “Why ‘Caring’ Is A Must-Have Ingredient In Effective Leadership” (11-28-22).

“Leaders should approach most interactions with a mindset that (1) they do not have all the answers, (2) others do not have all the answers, and (3) the best insights often prove to be emergent from sharing with each other what is known and what is not known. That’s the essence of humility.”

Politeness is its own virtue, and it makes people stand out. A polite world is a better world

Frank Sonnenberg: “Why Are People So Surprised When Someone’s Polite?” (12-13-22).

“While being polite may seem like a very small deal, behaving that way says a lot about you.”

Ken Blanchard: “The Best Leaders Practice and Model Self-Care” (12-14-22).

“Why is it important for you as a leader to practice self-care? Because consciously or unconsciously, you’re always setting an example for people on your team. If they perceive you as struggling with your own issues, they may not feel right asking you for help or advice. But if you exhibit a healthy, positive, caring attitude, they will feel safe turning to you when they’re in need.”

Good leaders give people the opportunity to succeed in their own way. Jumping in is disempowering and demoralizing.

John Spence: “Business in a Minute: Too Much Value” (Video, 6-28-21).

“Many of us suffer from the problem of always trying to ‘fix’ things. We’re happy to give people our ideas, suggestions, and guidance on what they should do. This isn’t always the best course of action.”

Kristine W. Powers and Jessica B.B. Diaz:
What Employees Want Most in Uncertain Times:
When threats loom, managers must go beyond the tried-and-true techniques for supporting employees to address divergent concerns and build trust.” (12-13-22).

“[T]rust can develop over time only when managers repeatedly demonstrate integrity, care, and capability.”

Social philosopher Charles Handy, at 21:15 in the prerecorded interview by his son Scott, included in “BEND IT LIKE BECKETT PERFORMANCE LESSONS FROM WAITING FOR GODOT,” presented at the Global Peter Drucker Forum, November 2022.

“We need to do our best at what we’re best at, for the good of others.”

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