Leadership Week in Review: Dec. 31, 2023-Jan. 6, 2024

by David E. Shellenberger on January 8, 2024

Each week, I collect the resources related to leadership I shared on social media the prior week, with the accompanying quotations.

Thomas Rutledge:

The Positive Reinforcement Approach to Resolutions:
You can enhance your goal-setting with this reinforcement strategy.” (12-22-23).

“Maslow’s early 20th-century theory of motivation aligns with recent research identifying intrinsic (internal) motivation as a natural human tendency towards learning and improvement and a key factor in successful goal achievement.

The positive reinforcement approach to goal setting described here represents a practical method for channeling our internal instincts for growth into tangible quality-of-life changes.”

Frank Sonnenberg on moral character:

How to Gain the Ultimate Advantage in Life” (11-27-23).

“Formidable leaders win the support of their constituents by earning their trust and respect. This is achieved through powerful ideas, personal expertise, and impeccable integrity rather than through their position or by ‘pulling rank.’ You don’t win over your constituents because you have an impressive title. Great leaders put moral character first.”

David Burkus:

5 Questions Great Leaders Ask” (12-19-23).

“The third question great leaders ask is ‘Where can we improve?’ This is about seeking feedback and identifying areas for improvement as a team. …. This question promotes a culture of continuous improvement, where everyone is encouraged to share their ideas and take ownership of the team’s progress.”

Wharton Executive Education:

Motivation Up, Attrition Down: Employee Engagement
(Jan. 2024).

“The success of your business depends on many factors, but arguably none matters more than the talent and performance of your workforce. That’s because, according to the Society for Human Resource Management, employees have a profound effect on those other factors (think customer satisfaction, company reputation, and overall stakeholder value), both positively or negatively, depending on their level of commitment and connection to your organization.”

Mark Bertin:

Seven Reminders for How to Live Well in 2024:
If all your goals and good intentions seem to fall by the wayside soon after New Year’s, try getting back to basics.” (12-28-24).

“Setting an intention to meet each moment with kindness and gratitude supports the people around us and has been shown to increase our happiness, too.”

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