Each week, I collect the resources related to leadership I shared on social media the prior week, with the accompanying quotations.
James Heskett:
“How Do You Hire for Attitude?” (2-5-24).
“For years, my colleagues and I have advised anyone who would listen to hire for attitude, train for skills. Organizations that get it backward pay a heavy price.”
Kellogg Insight:
“Want to Connect with Your Audience? Stop Trying to Impress Them:
Good ideas and technical expertise alone won’t cut it. An expert offers four tips on giving a great presentation.” (2-1-24).
“[Michael] Foley says leaders should always have one goal: to educate.”
Daniel Goleman:
“Emerging Research on Emotional Intelligence” (2-14-24).
“If you feel your boss understands you and your feelings, you feel more connected — and in turn, all the benefits these studies found will be more likely.
But there’s another reality at play: whether or not you trust your boss to care about you.”
Ken Blanchard:
“Leaders Must Extend Trust First” (2-`4-24).
“By extending trust first, you demonstrate respect and create goodwill. Soon your people will begin emulating your behavior by extending trust and respect to others. In a workplace where trust is the norm, people collaborate more, produce better results, and have more fun.”
Bill Treasurer:
“The Extraordinary Ordinary Leader” (2-5-24).
“What a leader does every day may seem ordinary, but ordinary things done consistently are what it takes to be extraordinary.”