Leadership Week in Review: Jan. 5-11, 2025

by David E. Shellenberger on January 13, 2025

Each week, I collect the resources related to leadership, personal growth, and professional development I shared on social media the prior week, with the accompanying quotations.

Frank Sonnenberg:

Step Outside Your Comfort Zone” (12-17-24).

“Explore new opportunities. Welcome new opportunities with courage and optimism rather than fear or hesitation.”

Jacqueline Brassey et al., McKinsey & Company:

Developing a resilient, adaptable workforce for an uncertain future

Two of the actions to support resiliency and adaptability:

“Set a compass or North Star to help people move in a common direction.

Build a psychologically safe community, not just a workforce.”

Bob Chapman, CEO & Chairman of Barry-Wehmiller:

Ending the Poverty of Dignity” (9-16-20).

“The Human Revolution is about organizational leadership reconnecting with their own humanity and recognizing the humanity of those they lead. Recognizing that the people within their span of care are not numbers on a spreadsheet that are part of the calculations that equal profit and loss, but someone’s precious children and should be treated accordingly.”

Travis Bradberry:

How Successful People Make Smart Decisions” (1-6-25).

“They Always Go Back to Their Moral Compass”

“Successful people know the importance of sticking to their morals when making an important decision. Morals serve as trusted guides when your emotions are pulling you in a different direction.”

Marcel Schwantes:

How to Create a Memorable and Productive Onboarding Experience for New Hires” (1-9-25).

“When onboarding is done right—with a clear plan, resources, and genuine support—it can be a game-changer. Employees often describe it as a positive, even life-changing moment in their careers. And when people feel that way, it leads to better outcomes like higher job satisfaction and a stronger connection to the organization.”

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