Each week, I collect the resources related to leadership, personal growth, and professional development I shared on social media the prior week, with the accompanying quotations.
Candace Smith:
“How Etiquette Enhances Individuality” (7-27-24).
“[G]ood manners are the key to unlocking your true potential and letting your individuality flourish in all aspects of life.”
John Crawford interviews Babson College Professor Scott Taylor:
“Why Is Emotional Intelligence Important in Leadership?”
“Examples of empathy in the workplace include listening to employees, taking to heart their feedback, and understanding their perspective. ‘You are truly understanding their thoughts, feelings, what they’re dealing with,’ Taylor says.”
Michael Blanding:
“New Hires Lose Psychological Safety After Year One. How to Fix It.” (7-18-24).
“Encourage a culture of speaking up. Managers can’t just tell people their opinions are valued once, [Harvard Business School Professor Amy Edmondson] says. Instead, they must regularly reiterate to employees that their thoughts are welcome—and that includes inviting people to push back on a company’s strategies when they disagree with plans or recognize flaws.”
Travis Bradberry:
“6 Things Great Leaders Do Differently” (5-24-24).
“People need courage in their leaders. They need someone who can make difficult decisions and watch over the good of the group. They need a leader who will stay the course when things get tough. People are far more likely to show strength themselves when their leader does the same.”
Karin Hurt:
“How to Find More Joy at Work and Disrupt the Monotony”
“Much of the research on joy at work points to the satisfaction that comes from making a meaningful contribution.
An easy place to start is to pay attention to why the work you are already doing matters — and who it helps.”