Each week, I collect the resources related to leadership, personal growth, and professional development I shared on social media the prior week, with the accompanying quotations.
Dan Rockwell:
“Strategic Silence: How to Empower Not Overpower” (5-29-24).
“You teach helplessness when you speak first and most.”
Korn Ferry:
“5 Ways to Overcome a Work Setback”
(“This Week in Leadership,” June 3 – June 9, 2024).
“Does a quarterback stop passing after throwing an interception? Does a hitter refuse to go to bat after striking out? No, they forget about the setback and focus on the next opportunity. [Val] Olson says employees—and managers—should treat work mistakes the same way. Don’t dwell on them. ‘Stay positive, and visualize success the next time around.'”
Frank Sonnenberg, on his new book, BECOME: Unleash the Power of Moral Character and Be Proud of the Life You Choose (2024):
“Be a role model who leads by example every day. Be the person who lives with honor and integrity, commands everyone’s respect, and makes decisions based on what’s right rather than what’s convenient. It won’t always be popular. It won’t always be easy, but you can take great pride knowing that you’re setting the standard for excellence.”
Marcel Schwantes:
“1 Great Leadership Practice That Top-Down Bosses Fear”
“Great leaders always grant their valued employees a voice that can be nurtured, not criticized, in order to bring innovative ideas forward. …. Leaders must also foster a transparent culture by allowing for any question to be asked, even the tough ones!”
Shane McFeely:
“Change without disruption: How to protect employee engagement” (5-22-24).
“The first thing employees want to know when any changes occur is how it will impact them. What do these changes mean for their day-to-day tasks, workload, responsibilities, workplace relationships and career growth? This is why it is critical to have all levels of the organization collaborate on communication and make connections to roles and teams.”