Leadership Week in Review: March 24-30, 2024

by David E. Shellenberger on April 1, 2024

Each week, I collect the resources related to leadership I shared on social media the prior week, with the accompanying quotations.

David Burkus:

How To Avoid Burnout At Work [5 Triggers]
(6-26-23. Updated 3-6-24).

“Redistributing tasks, providing autonomy, ensuring clarity, promoting civility, and fostering social support are all essential steps in preventing burnout and creating a more positive and fulfilling work experience. And a positive work experience helps everyone do their best work ever.”

Marcel Schwantes:

The Rare Leadership Style More Companies Are Seeking

“It’s love that shows up in meeting the needs of others to get results, clearing obstacles from people’s paths, and empowering others to succeed and grow as workers and human beings.”

John Spence:

How Adaptability Quotient (AQ) Shapes Effective Leadership

“Adaptability Quotient (AQ) measures how well a person can adjust to change and navigate uncertainty. It reflects a leader’s ability to adapt their thoughts, behaviors, and actions in response to new situations, challenges, and evolving environments.”

Opening Day:
Korn Ferry CEO Gary Burnison says we have a lot to learn from baseball players: They fail all the time, but they learn from the experience.” (3-24-24).

“When we are no longer held back by the possibility or even the probability of failing at times, we increase our ability to take risks. We know that the far bigger danger is not taking any risks. After all, trying to stay static in a rapidly changing world is futile, at best.”

Jim Clemmer:

Return to Office Mandates: Destroy Trust, Engagement, and Performance” (3-27-24).

“Hybrid, Work-From Home, and Return to Work mandates are new variations of a very old issue — bossing versus leading. Bosses push, manipulate, and mandate. Leaders pull, serve, and partner.”

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