Leadership Week in Review: May 28—June 3, 2023

by David E. Shellenberger on June 4, 2023

Each week I collect the resources related to leadership I shared on social media the prior week, with the accompanying quotations.

David Burkus:
What Most Leaders Get Wrong About Culture” (9-28-21).

“A better way to consider culture in organizations is as a set of concentric circles. …. This means that senior leaders not only shape the overall culture, but must also train leaders at all levels to pay attention to how their actions align with or misalign with that culture.”

Mayo Clinic:
Mayo Mindfulness: When and how to say no for stress relief

“When you say no to a new commitment, you’re honoring your existing obligations and ensuring that you’ll be able to devote high-quality time to them.
Saying yes can cut others out. On the other hand, when you say no, you open the door for others to step up. Or you can delegate someone to take over the task.”

Related: “Video: Master the art of saying no

A McKinsey Classic by Joanna Barsh, Josephine Mogelof, and Caroline Webb:
How centered leaders achieve extraordinary results:
Executives can thrive at work and in life by adopting a leadership model that revolves around finding their strengths and connecting with others.” (10-1-10).

“Five capabilities are at the heart of centered leadership: finding meaning in work, converting emotions such as fear or stress into opportunity, leveraging connections and community, acting in the face of risk, and sustaining the energy that is the life force of change.”

Marc Correa, Dean of Executive Education at Esade Business & Law School:
Six Key Elements of Hope-Based Leadership” (10-11-22).

“In times of uncertainty, organizations need hopeful leaders more than ever, leaders who are willing to lead hopeful projects, inspire others, and effectively unleash the achievement of a vision greater than ever imagined.”

Blake Morgan:
Celebrating National Customer Review Day With Reputation

“Ultimately, managing data is about telling a story. It’s not just numbers and metrics—it’s the voice of the customer. And as [Liz] Carter says, if you’re not using the voice of the customer to help make business decisions, you’re probably not meeting customers where they are.”

Lead by example: Be kind, patient, and polite.

Korn Ferry, Briefing Magazine:
Psst—Don’t Be a Jerk:
In today’s more mindful era, managers need to understand that rudeness comes in many forms.” (12-31-21).

“If a team is rude, its leader is probably also rude. [Cathleen] Swody says that managers commonly confuse rudeness with productivity measures, such as saving time by sending one-line emails or cutting people off in meetings (‘I’m going to stop you right there’) or yelling to motivate immediate action.”

Daniel Goleman:
Good News about Emotional Intelligence” (5-30-23).

“[According to a] new report from Microsoft, about 300 million jobs in the future will be impacted by artificial intelligence. This will mean a new way of working — AI and humans side-by-side. And a global survey of leaders, the report says, targets three abilities as the ‘new core competencies’: analytical reasoning, flexibility, and emotional intelligence.
The really good news: [other] research makes clear that the emotional intelligence skills set is learnable.”



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