Leadership Week in Review: Nov. 20–26, 2022

by David E. Shellenberger on November 28, 2022

The following are resources I shared on social media in the past week, with the accompanying quotations.

Video by John Spence: “My Formula for Business Excellence” (10-27-22).

See the short introduction and enter your email address to view the entire presentation. Learn about the four fundamental ideas that, if followed, “will have a dramatic effect on your business.”

“The number one thing that attracts top talent to a company is great leadership.”

Daniel Goleman: “The Ongoing EI Debate and My New Book Coming on Dec. 6th” (11-21-22).

Quoting a research summary:

“‘Emotional intelligence correlates with leadership effectiveness about as much – or more – as does [IQ].

Emotional intelligence predicts leadership performance better than IQ or personality traits alone.'”

On Being Thankful:
This Thanksgiving, Korn Ferry CEO Gary Burnison shows how all of us can find leadership epiphanies in the most unlikely of places.” (11-21-22).

“First, last, and always—leadership is about inspiring others to believe and enabling that belief to become reality. Indeed, this is the emotional, even spiritual, part of leadership.”

Michael Timms: “Great leaders show gratitude beyond Thanksgiving” (11-24-21).”

“Expressing gratitude is one of the best retention tools for leaders.”

Boston University School of Public Health: “Higher sense of purpose in life may be linked to lower mortality risk, study finds” (11-15-22).

“Now, a new study led by a Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH) researcher found that people with higher levels of purpose may have a lower risk of death from any cause, and that this association is applicable across race/ethnicity and gender.”

David Burkus: “How To Make Employees Feel Appreciated” (2-8-22).

“[I]t’s the day-to-day ways leaders express gratitude that really matters.”

“The final way to help make employees feel appreciated is to talk growth—their growth, not yours or the company’s. This means having regular conversations about people’s goals, career plans, and desires for their development.”

Meet Author, Frank Sonnenberg” (11-22-22).

“Who are you? What are the values that define you? What mark do you want to make on the world? What legacy do you want to leave behind? If you haven’t answered these questions to discover the real you, it may be time to give them some thought.”

David Burkus: “5 Skills Leaders Need To Develop” (11-21-22).

One of the skills is critical thinking.

“Weak leaders often trade critical thinking for political thinking—taking their cues off of what the majority of the team wants or what their boss or other powerful people prefer. But in the end, decisions made politically often leave people more frustrated trying to execute on a poorly made decision and clueless about what to do when their efforts meet the inevitable resistance.”

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