Leadership Week in Review: Sept. 1-7, 2024

by David E. Shellenberger on September 9, 2024

Each week, I collect the resources related to leadership, personal growth, and professional development I shared on social media the prior week, with the accompanying quotations.

Hillary Chabot on the insights of Kristen Getchell, associate professor of business communications at Babson College:

Why Is Communication Important in Leadership?

“‘The best leaders are able to help people see the future and make that future concrete,’ Getchell said. ‘They also help people understand how the team will reach that future, and why each team member’s role is so important.'”

Dayna O.H. Walker and Ronald E. Riggio:

How Teens Develop Leadership:
Recent research explores how young people develop into leaders.” (9-2-24).

“If we are to be successful in developing the next generation of leaders, there is benefit in focusing not only on having young people take on leadership roles, but in encouraging youth to develop leader identity – to see themselves as embodying good and effective leadership.”

Frank Sonnenberg:

It’s Time to Hit the Reset Button” (9-3-24).

“Be the person who brings out the best in others — someone who makes people feel valued, brightens their day, and makes a meaningful impact on their lives.”

Wharton Executive Education:

Dignify Your Customers: Three Levers to Pull” (Sept. 2024).

“Research shows that when consumers have a marketplace experience that compromises or denies their dignity — being valued and respected by others for who they are — they are less likely to return for future transactions. And they’re more likely to share their negative experience with others.

Alternately, marketplace dignity can significantly increase the likelihood of repeat business, while also elevating your brand and its reputation.”

Ted Kitterman:

How Much Leaders Care Drives Employee Performance at Best Small and Medium Workplaces” (8-28-24).

“‘We see it clearly in the data: When people feel cared for, their full potential is unleashed, and even the smallest group of committed and empowered individuals becomes an unstoppable force,’ says Michael C. Bush, CEO of Great Place To Work.”

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